Hearthstone | N'Zoth Control Paladin Deck & Decklist | Constructed STANDARD | Meta Counter

2016-05-05 14

Hearthstone Deck - Constructed / Ranked / STANDARD
N'Zoth Control Paladin Deck with WotOG Old Gods by NumberSept

Potential: Up to Legend

We are going for a N'Zoth value route here. You can obv. add more deathrattle minions but in general this deck will go for long games, so you are rarely in a situation where you didn`t have played your three big deathrattle minions for N'Zoth. Again, this is NOT a fast deck and games will take longer on avg. than your standard shaman bumm bumm deck. It`s counter to the C'thun and aggro (zoo especially) decks on the ladder and you should find quite some success with it at the moment.

Any more questions? Just post a comment below and I`m glad to help you.
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► Decklist ◄
[Mana] Card Name

[0]Forbidden Healing
[2]Equality 2x
[3]AldormPeacekeeper 2x
[4]Consecration 2x
[4]Keeper of Uldaman 2x
[4]Truesilver Champion 2x
[5]Solemn Vigil
[8]Lay on Hands
[8]Ragnaros, Lightlord
[8]Tirion Fordring

[2]Acidic Swamp Ooze
[2]Doomsayer 2x
[2]Wild Pyromancer 2x
[3]Acolyte of Pain
[3]Earthen Ring Farseer
[4]Elise Starseeker
[4]Sen'jin Shieldmasta
[5]Stampeding Kodo
[6]Cairne Bloodhoof
[6]Sylvanas Windrunner
[10]N'Zoth, the Corruptor